[noaaport] Lots of retransmits/low signal levels today

Hello all,

I'm seeing a LOT of retransmitted NOAAport products over the last few days, with strong evidence seen on the UNIDATA stats pages, looking at the various feeds, particularly NNEXRAD. A 3 meter dish at the College of DuPage can't even decode a byte today, and although I haven't lost any data today, and only minimally this past weekend, I'm seeing this at 19Z/2 PM CT today
with my 3.7 meter dish with a snow cover on it:

      Frequency: 1193.500000
     SymbolRate: 6.349000
       LNBFault: ok
     SignalLock: on
       DataLock: on
SignalStrength%: 77
           VBER: 0.00e+00
         Errors: 0
      ErrorRate: 0
DemodulatorGain: 78
  NoiseEstimate: 11
   DataSyncLoss: 0
    ClockOffset: 34
 FrequencyError: 1

I did nothing to my system to get the signals levels these "low", nor do I have any interference around our building. Is anyone else noting this?
I'm concerned I have very little "pad" for rain fade.


Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu                                      **

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