Re: [netcdfgroup] nccopy and redirect - based authorization

The the netcdf-c gihub branch with the fix (assuming it works)
is called netrc.dmh
=Dennis Heimbigner

On 8/25/2017 7:47 PM, ashwin .D wrote:
Dear Antonio,
                     The support staff gave me the required code changes. You need to make changes to a file called ocrc.c in a method called combinecredentials under directory oc2. The support staff will open a ticket on github and merge the changes and you can presumably download and rebuild and reinstall at that point.

Best regards,

On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 12:28 AM, Antonio S. Cofiño <cofinoa@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:cofinoa@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Dear Ashwin,

    On 25/08/17 05:59, ashwin .D wrote:
    Dear Antonio,
                          Thank you so much for the effort in doing
    this. I am extremely grateful given that they are so few who are
    actually using this and you are somebody who has always encouraged
    me to use nccopy for over a year now ! I am using netcdf-c-4.5-rc1
    i.e. the latest netCDF version. I added this line to my .dodsrc
    file -


    and I still get the same error . Yes I totally agree about the
    instructions on the UCAR site. I have an open ticket with the
    support netcdf and I just hope they are able to figure this one out.

    Where did you open the issue? do you have a link to it? The version
    4.5 it's a Release Candidate and therefore there is a good chance to
    solve it before the final release.
    I am enclosing the logs turned on with HTTP.VERBOSE. As you can
    see the

    * Server auth using Basic with user 'k,ŷ~'
    Yes, it should be the username.



    it should say winash12@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:winash12@xxxxxxxxx>. So
    it is still not picking the username from .netrc or the .dodsrc file.

    Best wishes,

    On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Antonio S. Cofiño
    <cofinoa@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:cofinoa@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Dear Ashwin,

        I have tested and it's working depending on the netcdf library
        version you are using.

        With the version 4.1.3 (Ubuntu 14.04 repository package) the
        only way it'sembedding the credentials in the URI:

        $ ncdump -h

        For netcdf library version, compiled from source, the
        embedded credentials on URI it's working.

        If you create a .dodsrc on your working directory or $HOME
        with your credentials

        $ cat .dodsrc


        $ ncdump -h

        and refering the .netrc file from your .dodsrc, both can be at
        your working or $HOME directory

        $ cat .netrc

        machine <> login
        YourUsernamepassword YourPassword

        $ cat .dodsrc


        $ ncdump -h

        I hope this helps.


        P.S.: The instructions on the UCAR blog about configuring
        authentication are worthless with respect to the cookie
        parameteres. This is because UCAR authentication service it's
        not using them.

        On 22/08/17 19:41, ashwin .D wrote:
        >Dear Ashwin,

        >Attached you can find a working example for the ESGF opendap endpoints.

        >You can put it on your working directory (the HOME also it's valid)

        >If the opendap endpoint it's not using SSL security you can
        ignore the HTTP.SSL.* entries.
        >If you are having troubles you can enable the HTTP.VERBOSE


        Dear Antonio,
                      Many thanks for giving me your .dodsrc file. I added a 
couple of the lines from your .dodsrc file and tried it out and
        and I still get the same error. Have you tried downloading from the 
UCAR site recently ?
        Best regards,

        On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 8:12 AM, ashwin .D
        <winash12@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:winash12@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

                     Has anybody been able to use nccopy with
            redirect-based authorization and download a netCDF file ?
            I am referring to this -
            and I get a authorization failed error even though I have
            an appropriate .netrc file as well as dodsrc file. Using
            standard python and netCDF python I am able to read http
            request and response of metadata pages on RDA - it is
            only nccopy that is failing. Does anybody have a working
            example of nccopy with this redirect-based authorization ?


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