Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.2-rc1 release candidate available

On 01/19/2012 03:04 PM, Russ Rew wrote:
Hi Orion,

Is there an ETA on 4.2 final and/or more RCs?  I'd like to get this into
Fedora 17 if it makes sense.

There will be at least one more release candidate, 4.2-rc2, which we're
hoping to make available in med-February.  We're getting pretty close.

We're still interested in problems people encounter with the 4.2-rc1

Note to OPeNDAP Users: If you are using the netCDF DAP interface and
your URLs contain constraints, then you are especially urged to test out
this release.  It includes major changes to the way that the OPeNDAP
code handles constraints.  External testers are needed to help remove
any remaining bugs in this code.


Note that the soname bump in rc1 that has been reverted might cause people issues. I would personally advise issuing a new rc quickly for that reason.

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA, Boulder Office                  FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                  orion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boulder, CO 80301    

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