[netcdfgroup] release of the 4.2 version of the (now stand-alone) netCDF C++ libraries...

Howdy all!

We are please to announce the version 4.2 release of the netCDF-4 C++
library and the legacy netCDF C++ library.

The netCDF-4 C++ library was contributed by user Lynton Appel, of the
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) in Oxfordshire, UK. (Thanks
Lynton!) This new C++ API allows full use of the netCDF-4 enhanced
model, as well as the classic model and formats.

To see the release notes, and get the release of the netCDF-4 C++
library, see:

The legacy C++ API is provided for backward compatibility. It was
developed before key C++ concepts like templates and namespaces were
widely supported. It should not be used for new C++ development

To see the release notes, and get the release of the netCDF legacy C++
library, see:

Both of these libraries require that the netCDF C library already be



Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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