[netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.1 not giving proper error message

I work at a data center and lot of our data is in netCDF format. We are trying to move to netCDF-4 classic from netCDF-3 as much as possible. But some of our users are having issues when reading the files using netCDF-4.1.1 libraries. When reading the files, they are getting "NetCDF: Unknown file format" error. The cause it appears is due to the installation of the netCDF libraries without HDF support on their systems. Isn't it possible to have a more insightful error message (in the yet to be released versions)?- something like "It appears like the file is written in netCDF-4/HDF-5 format which requires HDF-5 libraries for reading. But the netCDF libraries were built without HDF support." The users expect the latest version to read all the data created using earlier versions.

Also, from users perspective does netCDF-4.x.x libraries built without HDF support have any additional functionality not present in netcdf-3.6.2 or later ? If not, why not let HDF linking mandatory when installing netCDF-4.x.x?

Thanks for reading.


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