[netcdfgroup] mfhdf.h not found even though it's present

Hi there,

I am trying to compile netcdf4.1.1 on an Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 box. I'm 
using the dpkg-buildpackage command, which in call calls ./configure::

    ./configure --enable-netcdf4 --enable-hdf4 --enable-cxx-4

During the conftests, I get the following error:

    | #include <mfhdf.h>
    configure:25870: result: no
    configure:25870: checking for mfhdf.h
    configure:25870: result: no
    configure:25883: error: Cannot find mfhdf.h, yet --enable-hdf4 was

However, mfhdf.h is present in /usr/include/hdf::

    $ find /usr/include/ | grep mfhdf.h

I suppose the problem is that mfhdf.h is in /usr/include/hdf, while 
libmfhdf.* is in /usr/lib. How can I fix this?

Thanks for your insight,


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