[netcdfgroup] NetCDF on OS X


I've resubbed after a long absence, because I'm trying to get the NetCDF libraries (including those for F77 and F90) installed on a Mac (2xG5 PowerPc Processors, OS 10.4.10).

The problem is that, when I try the first f77 test program ('simple_xy_wr.f'), the compilation fails with the familiar underscore-laden symbol errors.

I've tried downloading the binaries, and compiling from source. I've tried all combinations of gfortran and g77 for both NetCDF install and test compile. I've played with the g95 -no_second_underscore (and other!) options. I've spent two days on it so far and I'm going quietly mad..

Has anyone managed to get the NetCDF libraries (pref. 3.6.2 but by now I'll settle for anything) working on OS X? Is there a foolproof guide anywhere?

I've looked at the thread earlier this year but it doesn't seem to help, sorry.

System, etc details:

Mac OS X 10.4.10
Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5
g77  - not currently installed (has been tried)
gfortran version GCC 4.0.2


Ian "Harry" Harris
Climatic Research Unit
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom

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