Netcdf-Java version 2.2 alpha release

Netcdf-Java version 2.2 (alpha) is now available at:

The latest version of the NetCDF-Java library implements a "Common Data Model" (CDM), a merger of the NetCDF, OpenDAP and HDF5 data models. It is a prototype for the NetCDF-4 project, which provides a C language API for the data access layer of the CDM, on top of the HDF5 file format. It also is a 100% Java framework for translation of other file formats into netCDF, where the actual writing of the netCDF file is optional.

Currently we are reading NetCDF, HDF5, OpenDAP, Grib1, Grib2, NexRAD level 2, DMSP, and GINI. NexRAD level 3 (NIDS) is in progress. Other formats and access protocals, including McIdas ADDE, are being evaluated. We will support reading and writing to NetCDF-4 when that file format is ready.

Early versions of the code and documentation are available now, but some of the APIs are not yet stable. Please try this out and send feedback. This is an alpha-quality release. We are targeting a beta release in February 2005 and a production release in summer 2005. Please direct questions to netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

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