netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.8 are ready

The netCDF operators NCO version 2.9.8 are ready. (Homepage) (Homepage "mirror")

The three significant new changes are 1. ncpdq, 2. ncwa consolidated
mask switch, and 3. C99.

1. ncpdq is a new operator which re-shapes variables and files.
ncpdq behaves like ncwa in most respects, except ncpdq re-arranges
values in variables rather than averages them.  
For example,

ncpdq -a lon,lat

writes after permuting dimensions, where necessary, to ensure
that lat follows lon in all variables. 
ncpdq alters the identity of the record dimension, where necessary.
(use this feature to concatenate files along non-record dimensions).
ncpdq also reverses dimensions prefixed by the negative sign, e.g.,

ncpdq -a -lat,-lon

No existing operator was well suited for modification to handle
re-shaping all the variables in a file, so, by design, ncpdq 
provides a good structure for operations (such as re-shaping,
reversal) which do not alter variable rank. 
Placing packing/unpacking functions (already in ncap) in ncpdq, so
that all the variables in a file can be packed with one commend,
should now be straightforward and is now on the TODO list.

2. ncwa consolidated mask switch --msk_sng

ncwa used to require three switches to specify a masking operation.
The new --msk_sng switch consolidates these into one switch:

(Old version) ncwa -m ORO -T gt -M 1.0
(New version) ncwa --msk_sng="ORO > 1.0"

We encourage user to use --msk_sng from now on.
We plan to deprecate the old -m, -T, and -M usage soon.

3. NCO now requires a C99 compiler to build.
We could no longer resist the temptation to use C99 features.
Building NCO with old (C89) compilers is now iffy and unsupported
(C89 compilers may work if you add -Drestrict="" to CPPFLAGS).


Feature changes:
1. New ncpdq operator
2. ncwa -z (or --msk_sng, or --mask_string) switch replaces -M -m -T
   switch trio (Butowsky) 

1. None

Build changes:
1. RPM builder updated for FC2 i386 and x86_64 (Ed Hill)
2. Various Debian package improvements allowing direct uploads to Sid.
   Debian is switching to our packages now that Rorik Peterson is the
   official NCO maintainer for Debian.
3. C99 compiler now required
4. Homepage has better documentation of binary NCO distributions for 
   Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, and Mac OS X.

Other user-visible changes:
1. Improved man pages

User-invisible changes:
1. Improve arithmetic optimizations using C99 restricted pointers

Charlie Zender, surname@xxxxxxx, (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth 
System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100 

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