Re: But will anyone use them?

David Wojtowicz writes:

> Many of these conventions would be a great idea if standardized.
> However, what good will they be if no one uses them?

I would... I suspect that the people David refers to wouldnt ever
(because they dont need to) or dont (because they dont see value added).

1 - I , (and I think Tim Holt might be in the same position), need to
one-time support numerous scientists of various abilities with data
which is rather generic in nature.  Adoption of conventions and standards
to any extent possible goes a long way towards helping us - providing
ad-hoc programming support is not our mandate, but its hard to do
our jobs without it.

2 - As conforming applications become common, many of those mentioned
will be moved to conform as well.  The fact that they have seen the
value of netCDF to begin with proves that.

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Rich Schramm 

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