Help conpiling netcdf on SGI 4D/480S

(Please reply directly to me, I'm just a lowly programmer, not someone
who will actually be using the software.)

A professor here has asked me to compile a package which requires
netcdf.  So, I followed the directions in that package and got
netcdf-2.0-beta.tar.Z from  I tried compiling it
with the following combinations of options:

1) -O -signed -lsun -lbsd
2) -O -signed (using the supplied xdr routines)
3) -g -signed
4) -O (using supplied xdr routines).

In all cases but (4), the software compiles just fine until nctest
runs.  Then, it bombs out in testing ncopen.  Does anyone know how to
fix this?


Garrett A. Wollman - wollman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - uvm-gen!wollman

Disclaimer:  I'm not even sure this represents *my* opinion, never
mind UVM's, EMBA's, EMBA-CF's, or indeed anyone else's.

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