[ldm-users] No data flowing on IDS|DDPLUS|HDS|UNIWISC feed?

Hi all,

Suddenly the data of the feed IDS|DDPLUS|HDS|UNIWISC has stopped working
for me.

If I do a notify me:
notifyme -v -f 'IDS|DDPLUS|HDS|UNIWISC'  -o 9999999 -h idd.unidata.ucar.edu
I do not get anything neither.

I was feeding from the idd.meteo.psu.edu server but it seems that is now
I tried to switch to idd.unidata.ucar.edu and idd.ssec.wisc.edu but no data
is flowing on this feed.
Other feeds are ok.

Did I miss something?


Christian Pagé
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