[ldm-users] GOES-18 Interleave and Band 7 Anomaly

Greetings all,

The upcoming GOES-18 Interleave period is on schedule to begin Monday 8/1
(though I'm unsure of what time).  That's the good news.

The bad news is during Post Launch Testing an anomaly was found with Band 7
data that results in vertical lines appearing in its imagery.  This
"Barcode Artifact" is still under investigation and will not be mitigated
in time for the upcoming interleave period, so these lines may be seen in
that or any other multispectral/RGB imagery using Band 7.

While the root cause is still unknown, it is NOT the same type of cooling
issue that GOES-17 has.  The cooling system on GOES-18 (and GOES-U/19) was
redesigned and it is performing nominally (Phew!).

For more information see this message from OSPO:
There's a useful PowerPoint linked on that page with examples, but be aware
it's about 50MB in size.

Felt this was worth sharing in advance of the interleave period so we know
to expect it and that it's not at all related to LDM, NOAAPort, other
software, etc..


Mike Zuranski
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab
Weather.cod.edu <http://weather.cod.edu/>
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