Re: Using LDM for ftp server

  Yes, we had this problem, and did a change to pqinsert.c and created a
new program called "pqhack" that includes the file name in the MD5
checksum computation. Here is a "diff" between pqinsert.c and our

diff pqhack.c ../pqinsert/pqinsert.c

< mm_md5(MD5_CTX *md5ctxp, void *vp, size_t sz, signaturet signature,
char* productName)
> mm_md5(MD5_CTX *md5ctxp, void *vp, size_t sz, signaturet signature)
<       if (productName)
<               MD5Update(md5ctxp,productName,strlen(productName));
<             ,filename) != 0)
>              != 0)

 Dr. Jeff Masters (jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)                           (  )  
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 734-994-8824 (voice)                           Weather Underground      \`\`\
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On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Stephen Sinnis wrote:

> We tested a series of ldms to distribute files.
> One thing we noticed was that since the MD5 checksum does not include the
> file name, then if there are files with different names but identical
> contents, they cannot all be transferred,  while the MD5 entry from the
> first 'identical' file is in the product queue.
> Has anyone else seen this who is using the ldm to distribute files?
> Stephen Sinnis
> Pelmorex Inc.

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