Re: Root ownership of rpc.ldmd

        Some post-mortem info.
        Adminstrative ports will not usually open at the socket layer 
without administrative privlege. Since the port mapper service already 
runs at root privaledge, you don't need it a second time. But, it is 
needed somewhere along the line to open 388, as you say. Typically, the 
rpc.ldm is owned by root & it is setuid root ("stickey bits") as mentioned.
This causes it to execute as root, regardless of the ownership of the user
process invoking it, hence opening a socket on 388 is allowed. The user
process needs permission to run this the same as any other executable file,
        In todays security conscious world, I expect that this problem
will resurface as administrators tighten security holes. Setuid programs
are often a security hole. 

At 11:01 AM 1/18/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Brad Teale wrote:
>> I was wondering why the specifications for the ldm say to chown rpc.ldmd to
>> root.  If the ldm is registered with the portmaper (/etc/rpc), then the
>> portmaper specifies which port ldm will be using.  Also, if ldm uses rpc,
>> why are we specifying the 388 port in the /etc/services file?
>> I am asking because, when I run rpc.ldmd as the ldm user, my pqact and
>> pqbinstats programs start-up and run great.  Where as, if rpc.ldmd is
>> chowned to root, they never start and no errors are produced.
>> Thanks,
>> Brad Teale
>> Universal Weather & Aviation, Inc.
>> <mailto:bteale@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> 713-944-1440 ext. 3623
>For some historical reason, it was decided that the ldm would use one of
>the hard-wired, system service ports (ports less than 1024) rather than
>relying on the portmapper.  I believe the ldm will run using the
>portmapper service if it doesn't have access to port 388.
>Simply listing the ldm in /etc/services and ldmd in /etc/rpc doesn't by
>itself allow the ldm to get to the port.  My understanding is that those
>files serve mostly to map from numbers to strings for informational
>purposes.  The ldm still needs root priveleges to get port 388.
>Our standard installation has rpc.ldmd owned by root and setuid root,
>and expects the ldm to be started via user ldm.  The idea is that the
>ldm has root priveleges temporarily, just long enough to get port 388,
>then it reverts back to ldm level priveleges because it was invoked by
>user ldm.    This is what the permissions should look like on rpc.ldmd:
>-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     ustaff     441385 Sep  8 10:54 rpc.ldmd*
>This has worked for us on many sparc workstations.
>Were you originally invoking the ldm as root?  If you were, it possible
>that root will not exec programs that it suspects are unsafe.   Were
>there any messages in the system log?
>Also, it is better to send questions of this nature to
>support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, rather than to this list.  Please respond to
>me directly.
>Anne Wilson                    UCAR Unidata Program            
>anne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                 P.O. Box 3000
>                                 Boulder, CO  80307
>Unidata WWW server
James D. Marco, jdm27@xxxxxxxxxxx, jmarco1@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Programmer/Analyst, System/Network Administration, 
Computer Support, Et Al. 
Office:                 1020 Bradfield Hall, Cornell University 
Home:                   302 Mary Lane, Varna    (607)273-9132
Computer Lab:   1125 Bradfield          (607)255-5589

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