Re: [galeon] Features and Coverages

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Dear all,

Another great discussion, thanks everyone.  Particularly thanks to
those (esp George) who have corrected my faulty understanding of
features and coverages.  Just when I think I've finally grasped all
this OGC stuff, I find there's another level of complexity that's just
beyond my reach... ;-)

I must admit I still struggle greatly to see how all this stuff will
translate into actual software.  Further than this, I don't see how it
will translate into *interoperable* software (i.e.
independently-written clients and servers that can talk to each other
properly).  There seem to be way too many degrees of freedom.
Assuming that I'm allowed to define my own feature types to describe
absolutely any "thing" that I'm interested in, how can I expect a
generic W*S server to correctly serve up my features and provide
sensible subsetting facilities?  I could write my own W*S variant to
serve my features, but this seems to be missing the point.  Sorry,
maybe I'm slow but I still can't grasp how the "core plus extensions"
model of WCS actually helps interoperability substantially.

I sympathise with Peter Baumann - things were a lot simpler and more
workable when we had the (more restrictive) view that "WCS is for
raster data, WFS is for vector data".  I could at least see how this
translates to real software.  Now I can't make the link at all.

I think it's worth taking note of the WMS world at this point.  WMS is
a far simpler and more mature spec than WFS and WCS and has much
greater backing from industry.  Despite this I still have not found a
WMS server or client that fully implements the 1.3.0 specification,
particularly with respect to z and t axes (which are in the spec but
often ignored, with servers doing horrible things like putting time
information in the STYLES parameter).  If we can only achieve partial
success with WMS what hope is there for WFS and WCS, which are far
more difficult, with far fewer interested parties?

Regarding "unstructured" meshes - this is something that even the CF
community has yet to solve properly.  I think it's way to early to
start folding this into the ISO Coverages world.

I'm going to finish with a bald statement - I think the only hope for
WCS is to restrict its scope.  The scope can always expand later if
the case is proven by real systems.

Best wishes,

Dr Jon Blower
Technical Director, Reading e-Science Centre
Environmental Systems Science Centre
University of Reading
Harry Pitt Building, 3 Earley Gate
Reading RG6 6AL. UK
Tel: +44 (0)118 378 5213
Fax: +44 (0)118 378 6413

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