Re: [galeon] CF-netCDF encoding profile

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Hi -

* Add Java to list of libraries providing NetCDF support, in section 3.1

* Section 4: Mime type should include netcdf version, such as "application/x-netcdf3", no??

Overall, it looks fine to me. Regarding the complex geometries (eg: trajectories, tracks, swaths, etc) that are common to both NNEW and GALEON, are there CF-netCDF examples for those? It might
be good to include them?


Ben Domenico wrote:
Hi all,

Stefano and I have worked on an updated draft for a CF-netCDF binary encoding profile for WCS. Note that these are now called "extension standards." A copy is available at

Note especially Stefano's description of getCoverage responses as a separate section (12). In addition some of John Evans comments on the earlier draft have been incorporated into the text, but I've also put a copy of his suggestions in the limitations section as a highlighted editorial comment.

If you have any suggestions for improving this, it would be good to have them this week, so there will be time to incorporate them into a document we can submit to the TC for comment during the OGC TC meetings the week of March 24.

Thanks in advance.

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