Another WCS/THREDDS Data Server

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Hi GALEON and GSN collaborators,

We have another data server with a WCS interface running at Unidata.

This one is part of the LEAD (Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery, <>) large ITR project.  There are
many real time observational and forecast products on the server, but not
all of them are accessible via WCS.  The ones that might be of most interest
to the WCS and GSN communities are the output of a high resolution local WRF
(Weather Research Forecast) model that is steered to a local region in the
continental US where there is a high probability of severe precipitation.
In the current configuration the model runs every 6 hours and each run
produces hourly forecasts to 30 hours.

The THREDDS catalog of the currently available datasets is at:

We believe this is the only server where the output of WRF can be obtained
in CF-netCDF form (via the WCS and netCDFserver interfaces) so it's a good
way to gain experience with WRF output.  There is some documentation
available via the web interface for each dataset and a pointer to a document
describing the algorithm being used to steer the model.

Please keep in mind that this is an experimental testbed node for LEAD so
things may change over time and the server may not be available when system
components are being upgraded, but we feel it is stable enough that
adventurous users may want to give it a workout.  Of course, we'd like to
know if you run into any problems (support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

-- Ben

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