More information on WCS 1.1

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My last note the GALEON list resulted in several questions about the status
of the WCS 1.1 specifcation.  John Evans, the editor of WCS 1.1 provided the
following information about the status:

.. However, today's draft is feeling pretty final to me:
(The above should be accessible to anyone with OGC portal access. It
still has a couple of gaps to be filled, and a couple of known errors to
be fixed.)

A summary of the spec would be useful... I'll see what I can do on that
score. I do need to write a summary of changes, as well as how we've
addressed each written Change Request.

Does it still seem possible to get 1.1 approved at the next TC meeting?

Surprisingly, the meeting runs early, Oct. 2-5; so it looks like the
vote will finish 2-3 weeks afterwards (Oct. 23-28 or so) -- rats.


Also, Peter Bauman pointed out that, while WCS 1.1 allows for multiple
fields within a single coverage, it only allows for one coverage per
getCoverage requests.  I had confused that in the previous note.

-- Ben

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