Re: GMU WCS Server supports netCDF output

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On 8/25/05, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Actually the above is correct for the CF conventions, see Appendix F
(the projection parameters were originally taken from FGDC).

John / Yang Liu,
I stand corrected.  Denis and I will review the document and work
on implementing it in GDAL.
The xdim and ydim coordinates specify the coordinates in projection
space, this is more general than a projected origin and offset vector,
allowing non-uniform spacing. For this data, the coordinates are
uniformly spaced (.6 km), and the projected origin and bounds are easy
to compute if you know how to construct the projection function. If not,
then you have to fall back on using the lat,lon coordinates which are
very often curvilinear.
I guess the point is that the above is how we are used to seeing
coordinate systems represented in these kinds of datasets. To summarize,
from my experiencce anyway:

1. The x,y coordinates are orthogonal, but not necessarily uniformly
spaced, in some projection. Typically the units are "km on the
projection plane".

Understood.  It sort of sucks that we have to parse through the xdims
and ydims and figure out that the spacing is uniform, but that is
a small price to pay.
2. The projection function is typically parameterized, rather than being
a predefined "well-known" EPSG. In practice, there are a dozen or so
projections that are used. Standards like CF specify the names and
meanings of the projection and its parameters.

Understood.  Much like in WKT.  We can deal with that.

3. Knowing the projection and the coordinates fully specifies the
georeferencing. I personally prefer this to having the 2D lat,lon

Certainly from my point of view knowing the underlying projection
parameters is far preferable to just having the lat/lon arrays.
In fact, I would also mention that roughly 16/17ths of the
resulting netCDF file is geolocation information.  For each pixel
there are two double precision location values ( lat and lon) for
1 byte of actual image payload.  Is there any way of requesting
the image data from the server without the geolocation lat/lon
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@xxxxxxxxx
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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