[netCDFDecoders #WBK-579825]: NAWIPS Formats?

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Hi Sher,

I apologize for not getting back to you before now...  I was in Burkina
Faso (Africa) when you sent your note, and am just now getting back into
the swing of things back here in Boulder (after finishing my taxes today).

> We are attempting to work with the NESDIS SSD folks to get some of their
> fire weather shape files into our system. We're having a problem with
> how the AWIPS servers look at shape files as they don't utilize the time
> stamp like netcdf or DGM does.  One of the things the NESDIS folks
> suggested is that they can produce VGF files - like they do in NAWIPS.
> Do you know of any VGF to to netcdf converters? They mentioned that they
> send VGF files to Unidata, so thought you might know something about this.

Chiz would know the most about VGF files; I don't think that he
is writing their contents to netCDFs.

> Let me know if this is a complete 'I have no idea what you're talking
> about' moment and I'll see what else I can come up with.

Well, it is a bit of I have no idea of how to convert VGFs to netCDFs,
but that should not be suprising :-)

> Thanks - have a good weekend!



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