RE: grib to netcdf conversion question

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i downloaded  and ran the java library on the file. the library created a

CF conventions netCDF file that i was able to display with the ToolUI
program. i used the following command after setting the classpath:

java -Xmx512m -classpath $CP ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.Grib2Netcdf INPUT OUTPUT.NC


On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, Ross,Charles H - PGPW-5 wrote:

Hi Robb,

Thanks for doing this!!

Go to

The file is called gfs-grib.tar.gz

I included at 12Z GFS grib file, a copy of awips.tbl (you may or may not
need) and a copy of the gfs cdl file that awips uses (I was never able to g
et this one to work correctly).

Thanks again,


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