Re: grib to netcdf conversion question

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  • To: "Ross,Charles H - PGPW-5" <cxross@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: grib to netcdf conversion question
  • From: John Kelley <John.Kelley@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 17:59:03 -0500
Mr. Ross,

Are you dealing with GRIB or GRIB2 GFS files?

John Kelley
NOAA/National Ocean Service

Hello all,

I'm trying to convert model grib files into GFE/IFPS compatible file formats using the Unidata Converter suite. So far I'm having no luck and am seeking input from anyone who may be able to help.

Here's what I've done so far...

1.  I'm using a GFS grib file for input.

2.  Create a .cdl file:

$ gribtocdl -v -g awips.tbl 2007021212_gfs.grib > gfs_2007021212.cdl

* I'm using a awips.tbl file that I found while browsing the unidata archives

3.  Create the nc file:

$ gribtonc -l - -g awips.tbl gfs_2007021212.cdl < 2007021212_gfs.grib

My output here is interesting and may be problematic. Here is a sample:


Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD99 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Nx: 129 != 65

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD99 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Ny: 85 != 65

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD99 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch La1: 7.838 != -20.826

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD99 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Lo1: -141.028 != -150

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD99 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Dx: 95250 != 381000

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD99 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Dy: 95250 != 381000

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD30 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Nx: 129 != 65

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD30 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Ny: 85 != 65

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD30 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch La1: 7.838 != -20.826

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD30 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Lo1: -141.028 != -150

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD30 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Dx: 95250 != 381000

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YHHD30 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Dy: 95250 != 381000

Feb 12 21:37:59 gribtonc[13996]: YUHD85 KWBC 121200, nav. mismatch Nx: 129 != 65


4. Even though I'm getting hundreds (thousands) of mismatch statements I do get a large .nc file.

From there I'm tried to put it into my designated input directory in the GFE/IFPS but do not see it available when I run the program.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong.

Can anyone out there help me? Thanks in advance for any comments/suggestions, etc, I really appreciate it!



Charles Ross


Bonneville Power Administration

905 NE 11th Ave.
Portland , OR 97232



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