Re: Another BUFR question

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thanks for reported this, the compressed bufr files are harder to deal
with then the uncompressed. i need to revisit the dimension setting code
so it gets it correct.


On Wed, 9 Aug 2006, Kevin Baggett wrote:

> Robb,
> I have put the following files on
> MSG1-SEVI-MSGAMVE-0100-0100-20060715234500.000000000Z-135382.bfr
> and it's index file
> MSG1-SEVI-MSGAMVE-0100-0100-20060715234500.000000000Z-135382.bfr.bfx
> The index file says that wind speed and direction have a dimension of
> 11, but I have found it to only have a dimension of 5.
> In, I see some code when writing out Section 3 that says:
> if( bd.getVarCount() < 5 ) {
>                ps.println( bd.getKey() +"\t"+ bd.getVarCount() +"\t"+
> bd.isNumeric() +"\t"+ bd.getName() +"\t"+ bd.getUnits() );
>                if (makeIndex) index.addParameter( bd.getKey(),
> bd.getVarCount(),
>                   bd.isNumeric(), bd.getName(), bd.getUnits() );
>             } else {
>                ps.println( bd.getKey() +"\t"+ maxLevelDim +"\t"+
> bd.isNumeric() +"\t"+ bd.getName() +"\t"+ bd.getUnits() );
>                if (makeIndex) index.addParameter( bd.getKey(),  maxLevelDim,
>                   bd.isNumeric(), bd.getName(), bd.getUnits() );
>             }
> So, for dims greater than 5, it displays the maxLevelDim??
> The file has a Pressure variable (0-7-4) and I think this is where the
> dimension is set, as that dimension is 11.
>  else {
>                    bd = (BufrData) bufrdatas.get( "0-7-4" );
>                    //ps.println( "0-7-4 ="+ bd.getName() );
>                    if( bd != null ) {
>                       dim = bd.getVarCount();
>                       maxLevelDim = dim;
>                    } else {
>                       dim = 1;
>                       maxLevelDim = 1;
>                    }
>                 }
> Anyway, not sure what this all means.
> The file above has the data for Atmospheric Motion Vectors derived from MSG.
> Thanks!
> Kevin

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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