[LDM #HGL-863470]: LDM error logs - netcdf decoders

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It appear that you have the pqact entry correct but i can't check for tabs 
between the actions.A quick way to check if your parameters are corect is to
run the decoder from the command line in the ldm home directory using a raw 
data file. ie

% cd ~ldm
% decoders/metar2nc tables/metar.cdl  data/netcdf/metarold < "raw data file"
it will display the error message. if this doesn't help, let me know.


# metar decoder, creates NetCDF files formated Surface_METAR_yyyymmdd_hh00.nc
# All aviation reports including metar tests. old netcdf file format
DDS|IDS ^S(A....|P....|XUS8.) .... ([0-3][0-9])
PIPE decoders/metar2nc

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