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On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, Dave Santek wrote:

> Robb,
> Tom Yoksas dropped your name as someone dealing with BUFR data. We're
> looking to build an ADDE BUFR server for access by McIDAS-X and the IDV.


Currently i have a bufr engine written in java that will provide the data
to the IDV, etc. current status is in the 95% completion mode with a
beta release probably near the first part of July. as you probably
know, bufr data is hard to handle because the encoding is so flexible it
makes for many options and tables. Actually it is harder to code then the
java grib decoder.

> Tom mentioned you were "working on access to wind profiler data in BUFR
> format."
Actually i started with the wind profiler data, so those datasets will be
available. currently there are 6 datasets, the ones from FSL combine the
datasets into one file and only do a subset of the available ones. my
decoder handles all the wind profilers datasets even the korian and
japanese ones.

currently i'm working on the satellite vertical sounding, probably a
couple more days of work.

> Do you have any opinions on which software, documentation, etc. that you
> found particuarly useful, or not?

> Right now we've got the doc from the WMO and some code [MEL BUFR
> library] from NRL.

much of the code from orgs was written for a special product so it wasn't
useful as a general bufr decoder.


ps.  i'll be on vacation all next week
> thanx
> dave

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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