Re: GribChecker.getEdition()

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On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Carl Drews wrote:

> Robb -
> I am creating a grib ingest application using your new Grib Java
> library.  GribIngest will convert grib1 and grib2 files to our MDV format.
> I see from the documentation that GribChecker.getEdition() returns the
> edition number (1 or 2).
> Does this value refer to the first record only?


yes, we are assuming a homogenius dataset including grib editions.

If so, how do I get the
> edition for the successive records?

the edition number is in the Indicator section, i believe the indicator
sections are the same for grib1 and grib2.

       //  Read Section 0 Indicator Section to get Edition number
       Grib2IndicatorSection is = new Grib2IndicatorSection( raf );
       return is.getGribEdition();

if you look at Grib(1|2)Input.scan() the Grib2IndicatorSection is done
first in the loop.

> Is it possible to concatenate together a file of mixed grib1 and grib2
> records, and process it with GribJava?

not currently, but if one wanted to modify the  scan() routine it
could be done. It would be an order of magnitude more complex because the
record structures are different.

an easier solution would be to keep the grib1 and grib2 files seperate,
create indexes, then manipulate the data together using the indexes.

look at Grib2GetData and the IndexFormat.txt file for more info.


> Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
> Carl Drews
> Research Applications Laboratory

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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