Re: New Client Reply - [netCdfJava !KPD-807934]: netCDF Java - Bufr.jar and executing netcdf java program

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On Tue, 12 Dec 2006, James Wong wrote:

New Client Reply: netCDF Java - Bufr.jar and executing netcdf java program

Dear Robb,

I have run my NOAA bufr data through the bufr decoder provided by Unidata and 
the results look good. I have one question regarding the data, does the current 
code provide a way to iterate through blocks of lat/long data.


one can do it for non-compressdata because the lat/lon are in the index file in 
fields 5-6. for every observation.  in the compressdata it's not possible 
because only the first lat/lon for the group of data.  look at the doc 
IndexFormat.txt in the root distribution directory. run the following index 
command on a dataset:

% java -Xmx256m ucar/bufr/BufrIndexer <input bufr file>

type = BUFR
bufr_edition = 3
location = /home/rkambic/code/bufr/data/IUA_CWAO_20060202_12.bufr
length = 56282
created = 2006-05-23T14:41:00Z
index_version = 1.1
header = IUAA01 CWAO 021159
reference_time = 2006-02-02T11:54:00Z
center_id = 53 Montreal (RSMC)
sub_center_id = 0 WMO Secretariat
category = 4 Single level upper-air data (other than satellite)
table = B3M-000-009
compressdata = false
CNJDA116 2006-02-02T11:54:00Z 1 43.73667 -79.515 730 58 86 0 0
CNJDA116 2006-02-02T11:55:00Z 1 43.71 -79.55334 510 58 131 5 4
CNJDA116 2006-02-02T11:56:00Z 1 43.68667 -79.58667 290 58 175 2 0

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