Re: New Ticket - [netCDFDecoders !YUU-262958]: ua2nc bug (fwd)

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On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Ryan Torn wrote:


Thanks for looking into this.  I have tested the code and I think you need to move 
the code you added to account for my problem.  Below you will find the correct 
location to put the if ($rhour == 23) code block.> The check for rhour=23 must 
come before if( $rday == $cday ) because $rday does not equal $cday when the 
$rhour = 23.  Moreover, if you do not set $rhour=00, then the script will reject 
the observation because it is later than the current time.  Once I made my 
changes, the program was placing all observations in the correct files.  Let me 
know if you agree with these changes.


ugh.... actually the i was thinking the problem only happened when the 23 hour 
report came in on the same day, not the nextday. so you are correct to put the 
23 hour processing ahead of the day checking of both same day and nextday. 
Thanks for checking this out. real time data processing does have some tricky 
caveats.  i made a new distribution with the fix but it seems you already have 


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