New Client Reply - [netCdfJava !WCC-197892]: New problem with Grib12Netcdf (fwd)

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000     Reserved        
001     Pressure        Pa
002     Pressure reduced to MSL         Pa
003     Pressure tendency       Pa/s
006     Geopotential    m2/s2
007     Geopotential height     Gpm
008     Geometric height        M
009     Standard deviation of height    M
011     Temperature     K
012     Virtual temperature     K
013     Potential temperature   K
014     Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature  K
015     Maximum temperature     K
016     Minimum temperature     K
017     Dew point temperature   K
018     Dew point depression (or deficit)       K
019     Lapse rate      K/m
020     Visibility      M
021     Radar Spectra (1)       -
022     Radar Spectra (2)       -
023     Radar Spectra (3)       -
025     Temperature anomaly     K
026     Pressure anomaly        Pa
027     Geopotential height anomaly     Gpm
028     Wave Spectra (1)        -
029     Wave Spectra (2)        -
030     Wave Spectra (3)        -
031     Wind direction  Deg. true
032     Wind speed      m/s
033     u-component of wind     m/s
034     v-component of wind     m/s
035     Stream function         m2/s
036     Velocity potential      m2/s
037     Montgomery stream function      m2/s2
038     Sigma coord. vertical velocity  s /s
039     Pressure Vertical velocity      Pa/s
040     Geometric Vertical velocity     m/s
041     Absolute vorticity      /s
042     Absolute divergence     /s
043     Relative vorticity      /s
044     Relative divergence     /s
045     Vertical u-component shear      /s
046     Vertical v-component shear      /s
047     Direction of current    Deg. true
048     Speed of current        m/s
049     u-component of current  m/s
050     v-component of current  m/s
051     Specific humidity       kg/kg
052     Relative humidity       %
053     Humidity mixing ratio   kg/kg
054     Precipitable water      kg/m2
055     Vapor pressure  Pa
056     Saturation deficit      Pa
057     Evaporation     kg/m2
058     Cloud Ice       kg/m2
059     Precipitation rate      kg/m2/s
060     Thunderstorm probability        %
061     Total precipitation     kg/m2
062     Large scale precipitation       kg/m2
063     Convective precipitation        kg/m2
064     Snowfall rate water equivalent  kg/m2s
065     Water equiv. of accum. snow depth       kg/m2
066     Snow depth      M
067     Mixed layer depth       M
068     Transient thermocline depth     M
069     Main thermocline depth  M
070     Main thermocline anomaly        M
071     Total cloud cover       %
072     Convective cloud cover  %
073     Low cloud cover         %
074     Medium cloud cover      %
075     High cloud cover        %
076     Cloud water     kg/m2
078     Convective snow         kg/m2
079     Large scale snow        kg/m2
080     Water Temperature       K
081     Land-sea mask   Fraction
        (1=land;0=sea) (see note)       
082     Deviation of sea level from mean        M
083     Surface roughness       M
084     Albedo  %
085     Soil temperature        K
086     Soil moisture content   kg/m2
087     Vegetation      %
088     Salinity        kg/kg
089     Density         kg/m3
090     Water run off   kg/m2
091     Ice concentration       Fraction
        (ice=1;no ice=0)(see note)      
092     Ice thickness   M
093     Direction of ice drift  deg. true
094     Speed of ice drift      m/s
095     u-component of ice drift        m/s
096     v-component of ice drift        m/s
097     Ice growth rate         m/s
098     Ice divergence  /s
099     Snow melt       kg/m2
100     Significant height of combined wind     m
        waves and swell         
101     Direction of wind waves         deg. true
102     Significant height of wind waves        m
103     Mean period of wind waves       s
104     Direction of swell waves        deg. true
105     Significant height of swell waves       m
106     Mean period of swell waves      s
107     Primary wave direction  deg. true
108     Primary wave mean period        s
109     Secondary wave direction        deg. true
110     Secondary wave mean period      s
111     Net short-wave radiation (surface)      W/m2
112     Net long wave radiation (surface)       W/m2
113     Net short-wave radiation (top of atmos.)        W/m2
114     Net long wave radiation (top of atmos.)         W/m2
115     Long wave radiation     W/m2
116     Short wave radiation    W/m2
117     Global radiation        W/m2
121     Latent heat net flux    W/m2
122     Sensible heat net flux  W/m2
123     Boundary layer dissipation      W/m2
124     Momentum flux, u component      N/m2
125     Momentum flux, v component      N/m2
126     Wind mixing energy      J
127     Image data      
128-254         Reserved for use by originating center)         
255     Missing

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