Re: GRIB 2 Decoder

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


I would seach the web for 'GRIB "edition 2"', there many leads to the
GRIB2 format.


On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Tony Simmers wrote:


I am trying to track down grib decoders for the upcoming release of GRIB 2
(better support for ensemble data, trendy new compression etc).  I am not
having much success.... do you have any leads?

I am aware that there have been international exchanges in this format but
cannot find any reference to the decoders that were used.

Tony Simmers                     MetService
Learning & Development Centre    PO Box 722
Phn +64 4 4700751                30 Salamanca Rd
Fax +64 4 4735231                Wellington

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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