Re: gribdump modifications

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Thanks for the code mods/ideas.  At this time nobody has requested that
type of service but that doesn't mean it will not be needed in the future. I put the code on file.

One comment, if you only want to capture headers of products not already
process in the pqact.conf, you can use  ^_ELSE_$ pattern    ie,

HRS     ^_ELSE_$    PIPE
        gribdump_new -b -o data/HDS_(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3\4.log

After all your other HDS pqact entries.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Clint Rowe wrote:


I don't know if anyone else would find it useful, but I had a need
to find out what GRIB products we were not saving/decoding.  I didn't
want to save the entire GRIB product, since that could consume quite a bit of disk space quickly. So I hit upon the idea of using gribdump.
It turned out to be easier than I expected, since gribdump already
read from stdin if no filename was given. All I had to do was put in an option for an output filename and change the printf's to fprintf's. Even though I'm not a C programmer, the structure you have in gribdump made both tasks easy. The only tricky thing I had to do was to keep it from writing the header before each message.

Here's the pqact.conf entry for capturing all GRIB headers into hourly

HRS     ^(......) (....) ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])(.*)
        PIPE    gribdump_new -b -o data/HDS_(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3\4.log

It works okay, but there are two minor problems. First, I end up with a bunch of gribdump_new processes hanging around (i.e., they don't seem to time out properly). I haven't worried about this, as I'm running this as the only action on a separate machine than are normal ingester, so I only run it occasionally and for relatively short time periods. Second, I end up creating log files every hour, even though no GRIB products arrrive since any HRS product will kick off the process but non-GRIB products are
not processed by gribdump.  Again, this is a big problem since they're
zero-length files.

I've attached the modified file.  Feel free to use it any way you want.


Clinton M. Rowe
Associate Professor Meteorology/Climatology Program phone:(402)472-1946
Department of Geosciences                          fax:(402)472-4917
University of Nebraska-Lincoln                        crowe1@xxxxxxx

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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