19981008: Converter for GRIB data

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>From: "Robert J. Boucher" <rjboucher@xxxxxxxx>
>Organization: TASC, Inc. (Reading, MA)
>Keywords: 199810081750.LAA10409

>To whom it may concern:
>I am interested in a converter that will convert GRIB data to NetCDF
>format.  I saw on another page that Unidata was developing such a
>converter.  I looked on the Unidata NetCDF page but could not find any
>information about the converter.  If you could me in the right direction
>on the Unidata web site I would greatly appreciate it.  Or if Unidata
>has not finished developing the converter could you recommend a site
>that has one available.  Thanks for your help.
>Robert J. Boucher
>Robert J. Boucher                      TASC
>Associate MTS                          55 Walkers Brook Drive
>Tel:  781-942-2000 X2893               Reading, MA 01867-3297
>Fax:  781-942-2571

NetCDF decoders (including gribtonc GRIB to NetCDF converter) are available
from our anonymous ftp server ftp.unidata.ucar.edu under the pub/decoders
directory. Additional information on the www page  from the home
page under "Software to manage data" at "Decoders".

Steve Chiswell

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