980621: LDM decoder license

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

>From: Scott Gennari <gennari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: University of Hawaii
>Keywords: 199806212249.QAA15863 LDM license


>I would like to obtain a license for the LDM decoder and
>currently have MciDAS 7.1 for Solaris 2.5 installed. Please
>advise how to proceed in obtaining a license.

The LDM is freely available (but copyrighted) software.  It does not require
a license to obtain or run.  You can find a source code distribution for
the current release of the LDM at:


Binary distributions are available for selected platforms at:


for the binary distribution you would need to descend into the directory
for your particular platform type and transfer the compressed LDM tar
file to your machine (in _binary_ mode!!).

You can get more information on the LDM at:


I do have one question about your request.  You mention that you want the
LDM decoder.  The ldm is code that allows sites to receive near realtime
data through the internet.  If you are looking for decoders for that data,
then you need access to other code.

For instance,  if you are looking for routines that decode the products
in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream, you are looking for the ldm-mcidas
decoding package.  Source for this package can be found at:


Binary distributions are available for select platforms in:


If you are looking for McIDAS-XCD decoding capability, then you already have
it in Unidata McIDAS-X Version 7.1 (it is bundled).

If you are looking for netCDF decoders that run from the LDM, then you should
check out:



Please let me know if I did not hit on exactly what you are looking for.

>Scott Gennari
>Hawaii Inst. of Geophysics/Planetology
>University of Hawaii - Manoa
>2565 The Mall, Keller 304A
>Honolulu, HI 96822 
>voice 808 956 5392   fax 808 956 9399
>email gennari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tom Yoksas

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