Re: 980204: ldmConnect message on hash list

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Eric Pani wrote:
I keep getting the following message on our ingestor:

Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/users/ldm/decoders/ldmConnect at line 256 Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/users/ldm/decoders/ldmConnect at line 257

Can you guys give me any idea about what this means? Is it an indication that
something is set up wrong in pqact.conf when ldmConnect gets called?


I fixed this in a release, don't remember what version.  Just edit ldmConnect, 
change lines 256,257 to look like this:

%handles = () ;
%hTimes = () ;

That  should solve the problem, let me know if it doesn't.


Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer                          Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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