[conduit] Unidata's new Data Engineer

Greetings everyone,

My name is Mike Zuranski and I’m here to introduce myself as Unidata’s new
Data Engineer!

I might be a familiar name to many of you already; I’m joining Unidata from
the College of DuPage, where I worked to support the IT needs of their
meteorology program and helped to develop and maintain the Nexlab website.
In that role I have collaborated with the good folk at Unidata for many
years, and participated on a number of these email lists for quite some
time already.  While I might be new to Unidata, I’m already rather familiar
with this community.

The role of Data Engineer is new for Unidata, and I’m excited to be the
first!  One of my core responsibilities here is to be a liaison between
data users, stakeholders, stewards, and providers of geoscience data and it
will be my pleasure to work with all of you.  I’ll be a frequent
contributor to these lists, as well as Unidata Support, and I’ll do my best
to be your conduit (no pun intended) to having all your data needs met.

While I don’t want to come out swinging with any changes, I do want to help
make things better.  In that spirit I would love to hear your suggestions
and concerns.  What can Unidata do to help you find and use the data you
need?  Are there tools or formats we should be investigating?  Are you a
data provider who wants to let people know about what you have?  Whether
you’d like to talk about a tool or service Unidata currently provides or
something completely different, my inbox is always open.  I’m still in the
process of getting spun up here, but I’ll do my best to get you answers as
soon as possible.

I’m looking forward to collaborating with everyone; you’ll be hearing more
from me soon.

Best regards,
-Mike Zuranski

*Mike Zuranski*
Data Engineer II
Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
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