[community] UCAR/Unidata: Cyberinfrastructure Survey

Dear Community,

Thank you to those that noted the technical difficulties with the earlier
survey.  Please see the update below from Professor Cutcher-Gershenfeld
with the proper link.

Kind Regards,

Josh Young
Unidata Community Services


Dear UCAR/Unidata Community,

An earlier message went out over the weekend with an incorrect URL for the
geoscience/cyberinfrastructure EarthCube survey — my appologies.  Here is
the original message with the correct URL:

All geoscience fields and disciplines are stakeholders in the
cyberinfrastructure for earth and space science.  The cyberinfrastructure
is the vehicle for sharing data, models, and software to better address the
core research questions and global challenges that we share.

Through funding from the the United States National Science Foundation, the
stakeholder alignment collaborative (based at the University of Illinois)
has prepared the third comprehensive stakeholder alignment survey of the
NSF EarthCube initiative and related activities — all centered on the data
we use and share. Prior surveys were administered in 2012 and 2013/2014.

Please follow this URL to respond to the survey:


Your participation is voluntary and it will take an estimated 20-25
minutes.  The results will be shared with UCAR.

This 2015 survey is being distributed through multiple channels in the
geosciences — you only need to participate once.  If you have any questions
or concerns, please contact Professor Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld at
<joelcg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>joelcg@xxxxxxxxxxxx or 217-979-3771.

Thank you for your consideration.


Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Professor

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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