[community] Unidata: Users Workshop News!

Hello Unidata Community,

We have received word from the National Science Foundation that the 2015
Users Workshop will be funded. If you have been waiting to make travel
arrangements for the workshop pending this confirmation, please feel free
to do so now. If you still need to register, please do so by going to

As a reminder the 2015 Unidata Users Workshop, will take place 22-25 June
2015 in Boulder, Colorado. This year’s workshop is titled “Data-Driven
Geoscience: Applications, Opportunities, Trends, and Challenges,” and its
goal is to raise awareness of important new trends in geoscience
technology, including cloud computing, data management, and the place of
Python in the geoscience computing infrastructure. The workshop is a chance
for the academic community to share hands-on activities, course materials,
and ideas for improving research and education.

There are stipends available for qualified student participants. See the
Student Announcement on the workshop web site for additional information.

We look forward to seeing you in Boulder this June!

Kind Regards,

Josh Young
Unidata, Community Services
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