[community] Geoscience Community Survey

Dear Unidata Community,

We would like to alert you to the NSF-sponsored iSamples Research
Coordination Network (RCN) survey on sharing physical geoscience samples
and data. Please see the text provided by iSamples RCN below for more

Kind Regards,

Josh Young

**** Text Provided By iSamples RCN****

The NSF-sponsored iSamples research coordination network (RCN) is committed
to advancing the sharing of physical geoscience samples and data on samples
by engaging a broad array of geoscience fields and disciplines, along with
museums, data repositories, and others. To develop a clear baseline
understanding of current practice and views, iSamples has developed a
stakeholder survey on these matters. Participation is voluntary and
confidential -- no individual identifying information will be reported.

If you are interested in participating in this survey, you can do so

This survey is part of the larger NSF EarthCube initiative, which has been
collecting general information on data sharing in geosciences and which
will continue to do so in 2015 so that the development of the supporting
cyberinfrastructure for the geosciences is driven by data from
geoscientists and other key stakeholders

Thank you in advance for your consideration.
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