Re: [awips2-users] EDEX/LDM pqinsert failed with NGRID type data

  • To: 'Donna Cote' <d-cote@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [awips2-users] EDEX/LDM pqinsert failed with NGRID type data
  • From: "Serra, Mr. Efren, Contractor, Code 7531" <efren.serra.ctr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 19:54:38 +0000
  • Dlp-product: dlpe-windows
  • Dlp-reaction: no-action
  • Dlp-version:
Donna – Here are answers to your follow up questions:

1.       Uname –a returns Linux 2.6.32-642.13.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Nov 23 
16:03:01 EST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

2.       I’m using BASH shell

3.       These GRIB files were generated by Buck Sampson of NRL and I want to 
ingest them to the LDM running under my EDEX server.

Efren A. Serra (Contractor)
SAIC/DeVine Consulting, Inc.
Naval Research Laboratory
Marine Meteorology Division
7 Grace Hopper Ave., STOP 2
Monterey, CA 93943
Code 7542
Office: 831-656-4780

From: Donna Cote [mailto:d-cote@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 12:49 PM
To: Serra, Mr. Efren, Contractor, Code 7531
Cc: awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [awips2-users] EDEX/LDM pqinsert failed with NGRID type data

What OS are you using? Are you using bash or cash?

With bash, on my CentOS 6 machine, your script gives me an error. Are you 
seeing any script execute errors?

Next, if you ran pqinsert within the last hour (and I think it extends far 
longer), you need to use the "-i" option in the pqinsert command.

One last question, are you saying that these al412016_2016090618_* files are 
generated by you or are they "pulled" by LDM?


On Mar 20, 2017 1:01 PM, "Serra, Mr. Efren, Contractor, Code 7531" 
<efren.serra.ctr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:efren.serra.ctr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Gents - I've been trying to ingest some GRIBs, e.g., ftype NGRID, into my EDEX 
server with pqinsert.

The command line is: for file in $(ls al412016_2016090618_*); do pqinsert -v -x 
-f NGRID $file; done

Where wgrib -V output on one of above files is:

$ wgrib -V al412016_2016090618_0_wnd_prblty_0_param_193.grib

Undefined parameter table (center 52-0 table 2), using NCEP-opn rec 1:0:date 
2016090618 POP kpds5=193 kpds6=1 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0) grid=255 sfc anl:
  POP=Prob. of precipitation [%]
  timerange 0 P1 0 P2 0 TimeU 1  nx 519 ny 119 GDS grid 0 num_in_ave 0 missing 0
  center 52 subcenter 0 process 30 Table 2 scan: WE:SN winds(N/S)
  latlon: lat  1.000000 to 60.000000 by 0.500000  nxny 61761
          long 100.000000 to 359.000000 by 0.500000, (519 x 119) scan 64 mode 
128 bdsgrid 1
  min/max data 0 100  num bits 10  BDS_Ref 0  DecScale 1 BinScale 0

These are wind probability fields; I'm afraid pqinsert is not working. My 
version of ldm is 6.13.3 and version of awips2 is stable release 16.2.2. Thank 

Efren A. Serra (Contractor)
SAIC/DeVine Consulting, Inc.
Naval Research Laboratory
Marine Meteorology Division
7 Grace Hopper Ave., STOP 2
Monterey, CA 93943
Code 7542
Office: 831-656-4780

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