Status Report: April 2013

Michael James

Strategic Focus Areas

Work on NAWIPS/GEMPAK supports the following Unidata funding proposal focus areas:

  1. Broadening participation and expanding community services
    Though NAWIPS will go legacy, GEMPAK is planned to be bundled with AWIPS II as a "local application". So while there is no participation broadening or expansion of community services being accomplished by any work on NAWIPS/GEMPAK, both participation and community services will benefit from the inclusion of GEMPAK functionality with AWIPS II. Additionally, a move to community-supported development (via Github) for NAWIPS/GEMPAK is planned.
  2. Advancing data services
    See above.
  3. Developing and deploying useful tools
    See above.
  4. Enhancing user support services
    Preparing NAWIPS/GEMPAK to go legacy.
  5. Promoting diversity by expanding opportunities

Activities Since the Last Status Report

  • GEMPAK 6.8.0 released February 2013. New table additions, updated code for AWIPS2 database access among other minor changes.

  • Binary RPM packages have beeb produced for 32 and 64-bit linux systems, with a binary tarball package available for Solaris x86_64 systems.

  • Removed roughly 50% of the bulk of the GEMPAK package (redundant external libraries, ascii tables, old tables, etc.). Package webt from ~300 MB to ~150 MB.

  • Source code control moved to github in late 2012.
  • Ongoing and Planned Activities

  • Assist NCEP in preparing GEMPAK for inclusion with AWIPS II.
  • GDPVSF improvements.