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20001228: interpreting the SDUS5x numbers in WMO products (like NIDS)

>From: Unidata User Support <address@hidden>
>Organization: Unidata Program Center
>Keywords: WMO header


The following URL contains information on specification of region
in the WMO header of NOAAPORT products.  It is particularly useful
for sites wishing to pare down the number of NIDS sites that they
will process (file, etc.):


A quick text listing of the page comments is:

COMMS-ID MESSAGE XR-06 Updated November 9, 1998

         II vs State Cross-reference - NWS Communications Identifier
                             Implementation Plan

For the second I of the ii group, the states comprising these 10
geographic areas are as follows:

0 Pacific:                            HI, GU, AS

1 North East U.S.                     NH, RI, CT, NJ, MD, DC, DE,    
                                      VA, NY, MA, VT, OH, PA, ME, WV

2 South East U.S. & Puerto Rico SC,   GA, NC, FL, PR

3 North Central U.S.                  SD, MI, WI, ND, KS, MN, IA,    
                                      MO, NE, IL, IN, KY 

4 South Central U.S.                  TX, AL, MS, LA, AR, TN, OK 

5 Rocky Mountains                     NM, MT, ID, CO, WY, AZ, NV, UT 

6 West Coast U.S.                     CA, OR, WA

7 South East Alaskan Area - Juneau        AK

8 North Central Pacific Area - Anchorage  AK

9 Northern Alaskan Area - Fairbanks       AK

* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                            http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/ *