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[Datastream #NFG-700132]: Ensembles simulations

Hi Raphael,

> Where could we find/download the data from the site you operate/maintain??
> Could you, please, send us the link to reach the information about projections
> (precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration) to 2050' and 2100' for the
> area around 42.03.23 N and 1.07.13 W.

I don't think that we have the type of forecast data that you are looking
for, but I need to ask a couple of questions to make sure.


- can you explain what you mean by "2050'" and "2100'"?

  We would interpret this to mean 2050 feet and 2100 feet, but I have a feeling
  that you may using it to mean something else.

- is there some reason that you can not use the files on the site you mentioned
  when you originally contacted us:


  Again, the files I saw when I looked at this site appear to be gzip-compressed
  netCDF files.  If they are in netCDF 3 format, ArcGIS should be able to
  read/use them directly after they have been uncompressed using 'gunzip' (or
  some other utility that understands how to uncompress gzipped files)


- a great resource for a wide variety of data including model output is the
  U.S. National Climactic Data Center (NCDC):



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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NFG-700132
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed