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Degraded GOES-8 data

Due to SSEC antenna problems, GOES-8 had periods of degraded
data on Saturday (9/2, Jday 246), Sunday (9/3, Jday 247) & Tuesday
(9/5, Jday 249). We switched to a back-up antenna at about 2040z
on Jday 249, while repairs are being made on the main GOES-8 dish.

We apologize for any inconvenience the degraded data may have caused.

SSEC Data Center            Email:  address@hidden
UW Madison                  Web:    http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter
1225 W. Dayton              Phone:  (608) 262-0502
Madison, Wisconsin 53706    Fax:    (608) 263-6738