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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers

15 Using Groups and the New NetCDF-4 Atomic Types
Introduction to use of groups and the new atomic types in netCDF-4.

15.0  Groups and New Atomic Types in NetCDF-4
The enhanced netCDF-4 model allows the use of groups to organize data, and introduces some new atomic types.
15.1  What are Groups?
NetCDF-4 files can organize variables, dimensions, and attributes in hierarchical groups.
15.2  Using Groups
This example, from libsrc4/tst_grps.c, shows how groups may be nested.
15.3  CDL Example of Groups
This CDL example shows a possible use of groups.
15.4  Possible Uses for Groups
Some possible uses for groups are suggested.
15.5  Using Groups in Fortran 77
This example, from nf_test/ftst_groups.F, shows how groups may be created in Fortran 77.
15.6  Using Groups in Fortran 77 (continued)
Creating a group and learning about groups with the Fortran 77 API.
15.7  Strings
The String type can replace character arrays for most purposes.
15.8  Example Creating an Array of Strings
This example writes an array of strings as an attribute.
15.9  Example Reading an Array of Strings
This code reads the example string attribute.
15.10  Additional Numeric Types
New primitive types include 64-bit integers and unsigned integer types.
15.11  Additional Numeric Types
This Fortran 90 example (from nf_test/tst_types2.f90) shows arrays of INT64 type.


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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers