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[netCDF #MVA-221747]: Recovering NetCDF files after data loss

First, I suggest you post this to the netcdfgroup mailing list
(address@hidden). That should get you lots of useful
recovery ideas.

Next, you can run the command 'ncdump -k <filename>'
and it will report "unknown file format" if the file is not a netcdf file

Alternatively, If you can write program in C, C++, or python,
you can look at the magic number that exists at the beginning of
every netcdf file. Specifically:
1. look for the first three characters of the file to be "CDF"
    -- that indicates a netcdf-3 file.
2. look for the first four characters of the file to be "\211HDF"
   -- that indicates either a netcdf-4 file.

If you suspect that some of the files have been corrupted, then you can
use Wei-king Liao's netcdf-3 validator program to try to see how the
file was damaged. There may also be an equivalent program provided by the
hdf group for checking netcdf-4 (i.e. HDF5) files.

> we had a massive data loss at our university computational cluster. A
> lot of data was recovered (millions of files), but without filenames and
> folder structure. I am trying to recover simulation data from molecular
> dynamics simulations, generated with the Amber software. The data is
> stored in NetCDF format.
> I was wondering if you could suggest a way to identify any NetCDF files
> among the recovered data.
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Kind regards,
> Andreas Tosstorff
> --
> www.proteininteractions.eu
> PIPPI conference
> M.Sc. Andreas Tosstorff
> Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie
> Department Pharmazie
> LMU München
> Butenandtstr. 5-13 ( Haus B)
> 81377 München
> Germany
> Tel. +49 (0) 89 2180 77059
> Email : address@hidden
> Homepage : http://www.cup.uni-muenchen.de/pb/aks/winter/

=Dennis Heimbigner

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MVA-221747
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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