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Re: [Fwd: IDV - NetCDF format for xyz data grid mapping to transverse Mercator]

Hi Stu:

Its not correctly assigning the coordinate transform.
Add the following attributes to the TM variable:

   :_CoordinateTransformType = "Projection";
   :_CoordinateAxisTypes = "GeoX GeoY";

Stuart Wier wrote:

 > can you send the acctual netcdf file, or put it on ftp?

It is on http://geon.unavco.org/unavco/NETCDF/Kanto_m8.nc

I also have the latitude and longitude for each grid point, 6020 unique locations, if that would help. But they do not form a regular grid with uniform spacing so I could not see how to make them into dimensions for a grid.

Thanks for your help


Hi stu:

can you send the acctual netcdf file, or put it on ftp?

IDV - NetCDF format for xyz data grid mapping to transverse Mercator
"Stuart Wier" <address@hidden>
Wed, 21 Dec 2005 11:04:44 -0700 (MST)


Institution: UNAVCO
Package Version: 1.2b2
Operating System: linux
Hardware Information: the usual
Inquiry: I have a GEON IDV user who has a regular xy-depth grid with 5 km spacing, and knows the mapping to a transverse Mercator projection. I made a NetCDF file whose CDL is attached. The NetCDF file appears in the IDV as a 3d grid ok, the depth levels are ok, but it seems the x and y values are taken for lon and lat. Can the cdl header information be changed so this will appear at the true grid location, a small area near 139 E, 36N?

This looks to be a pretty standard kind of upper mantle data in the solid earth sciences so I expect to see a continuing demand for use of data like this in the IDV.

Is "false_easting" required for the transverse mercator mapping? I am not clear what it is for.


Most of the parameter data values are cut from the file to save space.