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[McIDAS #CXH-788694]: Password for download McIDAS software no working


> I uploaded 16 Chans of 10 files each in my dropbox IMG202209280100 folder

I just grabbed all of these files and moved them into the band-dependent
directory structure that I am using for testing.  Thanks!

If you need to free up space in your Dropbox, you can remove the images
you uploaded today and yesterday as I have downloaded all of them to
my testing environment.

Here is some IMGLIST output for the two Channel13 images that you
made available:

Image file directory listing for:HIM8EUMC/FDC13
 Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center      Res (km)   Image_Size
     sensor                                 Lat  Lon    Lat   Lon
 --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ----  ----- ----- ------------
   1  HIM-CAST      27 SEP 22270  00:00:00     0 -141
   Band: 13   10.4 um IR Surface/Cloud-top Temp         2.01  2.00  5500 x 5500
     proj:    0 created: 2022270      0  memo: Himawari HRIT format
     type:WARC     cal type:RAW
     offsets:  data=   28928 navigation=  256 calibration= 2816 auxiliary=    0
     doc length:   0   cal length:   0   lev length:   0 PREFIX=   0
     valcod:          0 zcor:  1 avg-smp: N
     lcor:    1  ecor:     1  bytes per pixel: 2  ss:289
     Resolution Factors (base=1):   Line=    2.0   Element=    2.0
   2  HIM-CAST      28 SEP 22271  01:00:00     0 -141
   Band: 13   10.4 um IR Surface/Cloud-top Temp         2.01  2.00  5500 x 5500
     proj:    0 created: 2022271  10000  memo: Himawari HRIT format
     type:WARC     cal type:RAW
     offsets:  data=   28928 navigation=  256 calibration= 2816 auxiliary=    0
     doc length:   0   cal length:   0   lev length:   0 PREFIX=   0
     valcod:          0 zcor:  1 avg-smp: N
     lcor:    1  ecor:     1  bytes per pixel: 2  ss:289
     Resolution Factors (base=1):   Line=    2.0   Element=    2.0

and attached is an IMGDISP of the most recent of these images creatred
as follows:

Erased image frame(s) 54-54
Erased graphic frame(s) 54-54
Beginning Image Data transfer, bytes= 1188840
IMGDISP: loaded frame  54
MAP: Completed frame 54

Frame saved as GIF in 

I will be having a Meet with the SSEC developer I mentioned in previous 
emails sometime this afternoon (the one yesterday had to be postponed)
to go over what I found and what I think needed to be changed.  After that,
I will do a bunch of testing to make sure that everything expected of
the servers is working with the mods I made.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CXH-788694
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must 
let us know in each email you send to us.

Attachment: HIMAWARI_EUMETCAST_20220928_0100.gif
Description: GIF image