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Hi Mike,

> I saw the page got updated and v2017 is available (hooray!).

I am working my way through the online McIDAS-X documentation, so expect
changes as I find things that need to be updated!

> Given that I have the pre-release installed, do I need to do anything
> special before installing this version, or should I treat it like any
> other upgrade?

To build the new distribution, I would do the following:

<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/mcidas2017/src
make clobber

cd ~mcidas
-- download the new mcidasx2017.tar.gz file here
-- make sure you have the 2017 version of mcunpack
-- make sure that your McIDAS environment variable McINST_ROOT
   is correctly set (it should be already)


cd mcidas2017/src
make install

Since I can't remember what state your SCMI ADDE servers are in, you
may need to edit the ADDE server definition table, ~mcidas/workdata/RESOLV.SRV,
and change all occurrences of the previously set server type for the NPGOESR
dataset entries (K=) to SCMI (K=SCMI).

Also, since I had to update the shell-specific user template files (the
ones that get installed in ~mcidas/admin), and _assuming_ that you are
sourcing the appropriate file for your mcidas environment (e.g., 
~mcidas/admin/mcidas_env.sh), you will have to re-source the appropriate
script for your shell after you install (make install) the newly built
distribution.  The update to each shell-specific user template file was
the inclusion of a definition for the MCSTRETCH environment variable.

Please let me know if you run into any snags.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
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address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JGN-249914
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Emergency
Status: Closed
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