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[McIDAS #YGF-361048]: GOES R calibration

Hi Ioan,

> Tom, I have  successfully used McIDAS V to fetch GOESR data from lead
> server. I am still working on the issue, it is strange because the client
> starts downloading the data and gets the error after downloading for some
> time.

In order to help troubleshoot what is going on, we could coordinate a test
where you turned server tracing on (TRACE=1 in McIDAS-X).  This will cause
a log file to be written on the server that I could then examine to see
if anything obvious jumps out.

By the way, yesterday afternoon I installed an updated version of Unidata
McIDAS-X v2017 (very near release) that may or may not contain code
modifications that affect the transfers to your Python client.  Please
re-test your Python code again to see if it works correctly now.

> Now, in a different matter, I am attaching my python GVAR reader. Maybe you
> or some of your colleagues would like to give it a try.
> I'll be happy to get some feed back

I'll pass this along to our Python developers and ask them to take a look.

> I have tested it with all GVAR versions (from goes08 to 15).  In some
> situations it behaved better than mcidas X in other situations worse.

Can you elaborate on how it performed better than McIDAS-X?


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YGF-361048
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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